Endeavour Academies

Professional Development

Professional Development

A key priority for the trust is to place a strong emphasis on the personal development of our pupils.

A key priority for the trust is to place a strong emphasis on the personal development of our pupils. While the term 'personal development' can cover a broad range of activities, we have categorised it as covering these eight key areas

Schools within the trust will develop their own programmes within these eight categories.

However, as the trust develops we will look to create as many cross-phase opportunities as possible with personal development of our pupils being enriched in this way.

1. Academic curriculum
2. Extended curriculum
3. Career opportunities
4. Physical health
5. Mental health
6. Personal, social and health curriculum
7. Social, moral, spiritual and cultural opportunities
8. Informed citizenship

Planned cross-phase activities for 2019/20 include:

  • Drama/English – RSC First Encounters. Both schools will work with the Royal Shakespeare Company on their 'First Encounters' production of The Merchant of Venice, giving pupils involved the tremendous experience of working with RSC actors.
  • Art – Pupils from Year 3/4 at Archibald will come to Macmillan and use the specialist art facilities for a weekly drawing enrichment.
  • Health and social care – Post 16 pupils from Macmillan will carry out regular work experience placements at Archibald’s Nursery as a key part of the BTEC Health and Social Care course.
  • MFL – Year 5 pupils from Archibald will take part in the ‘Carnival’ in July as part of Macmillan’s CAVEs week. This is a joint project between art, MFL and music, with the pupils from both schools gaining an appreciation of South American culture.
  • PSHE – Pupils from both schools will observe a Remembrance ceremony in November to commemorate the end of World War 1 and its impact on communities. This commemoration will take the form of a piece of drama featuring pupils from both schools and will be broadcast to all staff and students across the trust.